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Working in limbo, or on an empty cyclorama has been one of Tony’s specialties since before it was cool. The work goes far beyond shooting someone against a greenscreen or backdrop.  You’ll notice that he works in 3D space, and had a unique look that came from years of developing the style.  Tony’s style brings an engaging flare to the limbo work that you will want to use to communicate your cool ideas.  Take a look and see what we mean.

Many have tried to mimic, only to fall short.  One rather novice group actually called my editor to get information on how I shot it, then, had the guts to call me and Tony and ask how he did one particular show. Without meeting a beat, Tony replied “Quite well don’t you think? After all it had you calling me”

The reel is only 2 minutes 30 seconds, but, there are full shows of B2B, B2E, and Branding examples.  You will see how effective Tony’s style is.