Fairy Fort, written and directed by Laurie Powers. Starring: Laurie Powers, Chris Forsyth, Laurie Coker, Cory Griswell, Elizibeth Mason, Dasha Brotherton, Jeremy Hartman, Anastasia Diavatopoulos.
Tony Pfau took on a low budget indie while in Austin, Texas. The film is a short made for release in one of Austin’s many film festivals.
The film is a supernatural tale of stolen souls and lost loved based on Irish fairy lore. Maire Sion moves from Ireland with her new husband to his family ranch in Texas. Haunted by the rantings of here superstitious grandmother and the childhood disappearance of her parents, she starts to fear she is going mad, when only afeter 8 months in Texas, her husband vanishes.
It was shot on location in Mason Texas working with a micro crew a DVX-100 and limited lighting. Gaffer Justin Reusch and Soundman Scott Snyder stepped up to the plate. We shot the picture in 4 days, needless to say, they were pretty action packed days.
We had numerous lighting challenges brought on by the location and limited amount of resources, yet with a bit of innovation, we made it work.
The picture was produced by Kate VanScoy, who discovered that cows respond to honking horns thinking its dinner time. Needless to say, when Kate came across a herd of cattle crossing and hammered the horn to get them to move, she found that they were quite interested in her. Unfortunately, Kate isn’t too comfortable around cattle and it made for a harrowing experience. We are all glad that nothing serious happened.
Find out more about director L. Elizabeth Powers